Data Management Capabilities > Managing Projects > Classic Plans > Editing a Classic Project
Editing a Classic Project
You cannot edit the project template or execution control.
Select Actions > Edit on the project Details page.
The Edit Project window is divided into the following steps:
1. Under the Edit Identity step, complete the following fields and click Next:
Field Name
Edit the name of the project. Enter up to 200 characters. This name must be unique within your organization.
Specifies the user who is responsible for the successful execution of a project. By default, this is the creator, but you can select a different owner from the list of team members. Only the owner can delete, suspend, or restart a project or program; all other privileges of the owner versus project managers are identical.
Estimated Start
This field cannot be edited.
The amount of time the project is expected to last. If you want this value to be automatically calculated, leave this field blank. If you enter a number, you override the automatic calculation, which is based on information such as activities.
Due Date
Enter the date by which the project work must be completed. Click the calendar icon to select a specific date from a calendar.
Select a phase to indicate the maturity of the project or program. The phase is purely informational and is not linked to any specific capabilities or access control features.
Enter brief description of the project or program. This can be up to 4,000 characters.
Allow sharing to other projects and programs
Select this checkbox to indicate that data saved in the project or program and is available to other projects. For more information, see Sharing Objects Between Projects and Programs.
2. Under the Identify Risk step, complete the following fields and click Next:
Field Name
Select the risk of the project not being completed by its due date.
Risk Description
Enter a brief description of the risk to the project, such as causes or contingency plans. Enter up to 4,000 characters.
3. Under the Edit Status step, complete the following fields and click Next:
This step appears only if the project has been started and if the creator selected the manual execution option during the creation of the project. For more information, see About Project or Program Execution.
Field Name
Select the status of the project. Green indicates no problems. Yellow indicates caution. Red indicates an alert of high risk. This status is automatically calculated by the system according to the status defined for objects in the project, such as activities and milestones. If you manually select a status here, the calculated status is overridden.
Status Description
Enter a brief description of the status of the project. Enter up to 4,000 characters.
Enter the percentage of the project that is complete.
4. Under the Edit Invitation step, edit the invitation message to your local team members using the Invitation Message field. Enter up to 4,000 characters. You can include URLs in your message.
This invitation is sent to any new local members as they are added to the project. This invitation is not sent to shared team members. You can also edit the invitation from the Team page. For more information, access the online help from the Team page.
Click Next.
5. Under the Edit Details step, complete the following fields and click Next:
Field Name
You may modify this automatically generated to match your common company practice. For example, you might reference an organization number used in a financial reporting system.
Select the business category that best describes this project or program, such as Research & Development or Manufacturing. The set of categories is unique to an organization. Use Category to sort a long list of projects.
Business Unit
Edit the name of the division or department that best describes the realm of this project, such as “Consumer Electronics Division”, “Engineering” or “Sales.”
Edit the specific city or office location from which the project or program is managed, if applicable.
Enter a priority number from 0-1000, with 1 being the highest priority.
Enter an estimated or exact monetary total for the budget.
Edit the brief description of the scope of a project. You can enter up to 4,000 characters. The scope includes the following purposes of the project:
What is included in the effort?
What is not included in the effort?
What is the process for implementing changes to products or work that is included in the effort?
Track project cost
Select this check box if you would like to track costs as the project progresses. Cost tracking includes the estimated and actual effort (in hours) associated with each resource and entered for activities and milestones. The percentage of completion is then calculated based on the estimated and actual time values entered.
Depending on the settings at your site, an Edit More Details step might appear with fields specific to your site.
6. Click Finish to save your changes.