Data Management Capabilities > Managing Projects > Classic Plans > Classic Plan Objects > Classic Activities and Summary Activities > Creating a Summary Activity
Creating a Summary Activity
Only project or program managers can create a summary activity.
You can create a summary activity by clicking the new summary activity icon from the Actions drop-down menu on the Plan table.
The New Summary Activity window is divided into the following steps:
1. Under the Identify Summary Activity step, complete the following fields and then click Next:
Summary Activity Name
Enter the name of the new summary activity. This field is required.
Click the Select button to open a window in which you can choose any predecessors for the summary activity. Predecessor plan objects define constraint relationships for the plan object being created. For example, if Activity A is named as a predecessor to Activity B, then Activity B cannot be started until Activity A has been completed.
Summary Activity Owner
Select a team member from the drop-down list to be assigned as the summary activity owner.
Estimated Start
Enter a date for the start of the summary activity. Use the date format specified next to the field. (For example, if the specified date format is MM/DD/YYYY, the date could appear as 03/30/2005.) Click the calendar icon to choose a specific date from the calendar.
Due Date
Enter the date after which the summary activity is considered overdue. Use the date format specified next to the field. (For example, if the specified date format is MM/DD/YYYY, the date could appear as 03/30/2005.) Click the calendar icon to select a specific date from the calendar.
Enter a brief description of the summary activity. Enter up to 4,000 characters.
2. Under the Choose Position step, complete the following fields and then click Next:
Append to Plan
Select Append to Plan if you want the summary activity to be placed within the plan at the top level.
Insert in Plan
If you want the summary activity to be inserted into the plan at a specific location, select Before, After, or As Child of. Then specify the ID of the plan object to which the summary activity is to be connected. If you do not know the ID, click Select and choose a plan object from the provided list.
3. Under the Choose Notifications step, select the events for which you would like to receive email notifications and then click Next:
Status Change
The summary activity status has changed.
Percent Done Change
The percentage of completion of a summary activity has changed.
Estimated Finish Change
The estimated finish date for the summary activity has changed.
Turns Red
The status has changed to red. Red is an alert of high risk. (Project or program managers only)
Due Date Change
The due date for the summary activity has changed.
Missed Due Date
The due date has passed and summary activity is not completed.
[x] Days Before Due Date
The specified number of days before the summary activity due date remains. The default number is 3 days.
[x] Days After Due Date
The specified number of days after the summary activity due date has passed. This includes the number of days overdue. The default number is 3 days.
State Change
The state of the summary activity has changed.
Owner Change
The owner of the summary activity has changed.
Object Deletion
The summary activity has been deleted.
The summary activity has been completed. (Project or program managers only)
4. Under the Identify Risk step, complete the following fields:
Identifies the probability that the summary activity will be completed by the due date. Select either Very High, High, Very Low, Low, Medium, Unavailable.
Risk Description
Enter a brief description of the reasons for the Risk designation. Enter up to 4,000 characters.
5. Click Finish to create the summary activity.
The summary activity is created and visible in the Plan table.