Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Working with Manufacturing Objects > Overview of Creating Enterprise Data and Plant-specific Functional Data > Considerations for Creating a Plant-specific Functional Data Object
Considerations for Creating a Plant-specific Functional Data Object
A plant-specific functional data object can be created for a new part or an existing part. Based on the value set for the preference Automatically Create Plant-specific Functional Data, the plant-specific functional data object is created automatically when creating a part or by using a load file for an existing part. For more information on using a load file, see Creating Enterprise Data and Plant-specific Functional Data Objects using Loader.
You can create, view, edit, or initiate change tasks on a plant-specific functional data object only if you are assigned the required permissions to do so. For more information, see Access Permissions.
A plant-specific functional data object belongs to the Plant Specific Functional Data object type in Windchill. Under this type, you can create subtypes that relate to the functions of a plant such as Inventory and Procurement. The subtype of the plant-specific functional data object that is created for a part depends on the values set for the following preferences:
Views with Specific Enterprise Data: To associate a view with an enterprise data type. For example, Design:vsed1, Manufacturing:vsed2
Part Types for Creating Plant-specific Functional Data: To specify the part types for which plant-specific functional data objects can be created as per the mapped view-specific enterprise data type. For example, Electrical part, Manufacturer part
Plant-specific Functional Data Types for Enterprise Data: To specify the plant-specific functional data object types to be created for each view-specific enterprise data type. For example, vsed1:pfd1,pfd2,pfd3; vsed2:pfd4,pfd5,pfd6
Plant-specific Functional Data Types for Part Type: To specify the plant-specific functional data object types to be created for each part type. For example, Electrical part:pfd2,pfd3,pfd5; Manufacturer part:pfd1,pfd4,pfd6
For more information on the preferences, see Preferences in MPMLink.
Let’s say you want to create plant-specific functional data objects for a manufacturer part in the Manufacturing view. Based on the configurations set for the given preferences, the plant-specific functional data object types that are common across the preferences Plant-specific Functional Data Types for Enterprise Data and Plant-specific Functional Data Types for Part Type are created for the associated view-specific enterprise data, that is vsed2, and the associated part type, that is Manufacturer part. As a result, the plant-specific functional data objects created are pfd4 and pfd6.
If any of the given preferences are not set appropriately, the plant-specific functional data objects will not be created.
By default, a newly created plant-specific functional data object follows the basic life cycle. You can customize the OIR for the object to use the advanced life cycle.