Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > Configuration Guide > Service Publishing Setup > Graphic File Formats and Media Objects
Graphic File Formats and Media Objects
Graphic Dynamic Document Handling and Conversion
You can control whether to keep graphic attachments, and then whether to convert primary and secondary graphics from their native formats to specified output formats. These actions are controlled by SIS Worker parameters, specified in a param-set of a publishing rule for xmlbundle output.
In Windchill Service Information Manager structures, dynamic documents and parts lists can reference graphic dynamic documents. These referenced images can also have their own graphic attachments. If you want these graphic attachments to be included in a payload, you need to set a WVS worker parameter to include them. Set the com.ptc.arbortext.wvs/EmitAttachments to yes to include graphic attachments.
Arbortext Publishing Engine can convert graphics from their native format to a supported format. The graphic conversion is specified using the worker parameter The conversion specification applies to all graphics being passed to the payload, whether they are primary graphics or graphics attachments. You can also specify that graphics are copied without conversion if you prefer.
For more information on which graphic conversions are supported, see Graphic Conversion Support.
Parts List illustrations and secondary graphics attachments are always included in a payload. However, if you want these graphics attachments to be converted, you need to set a parameter specific to Parts Lists. Set the /partlistBundleCcfParam.convertAttachments parameter to true (the default) to convert parts list graphics attachments.
For more information, refer to Service Publishing Rules.
Graphic File Format Support
The supported graphic file formats, which include conversion on the Arbortext Publishing Engine server, are as follows:
Graphic File Formats
Supported File Extensions
 iso and idr
 jpg and jpeg
 tif and tiff
Working with Media Objects
When referencing media objects in content to be delivered in XML bundles, reference the content in the same manner as referencing image types. Also, ensure the media type file extension (such as mp3) is declared in the following InService configuration file:
For delivery of the content, you may wish to customize your viewing stylesheet for rendering the media object (for example, by embedding the media object into a suitable browser container object).