Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About Service Structures > Building Service Structures > Create a New Information Structure
Create a New Information Structure
You can view service structure tables from the Details page of your product or library. When you create a new information structure, you can view and set its attributes. For more information, see The Service Structures Tables.
Follow these steps to insert a new information structure:
1. From the Information Structures table, choose New Information Structure from the Actions menu or the toolbar. The Create New Information Structure window opens.
2. Product or Library — Displays the context in which you are creating the structure.
Type — Displays the type of object you are creating.
This is usually Information Structure. If there are information structure subtypes, you can select one of those types.
3. Template — Specify the template you want to use to set up your structure. Choosing a template is optional. If no templates exist, No Templates Available is displayed.
4. Specify the Information Structure Attributes for the new structure:
Number — Specify the unique numeric identifier for the structure.
Depending on your configuration, the number is automatically generated. Otherwise, you can enter a number.
Name — Specify a name, which is required. Name appears in the authoring language, and its value must be specified in the authoring language.
Service Description — Enter an optional description. Service Description appears in the authoring language, and its value must be specified in the authoring language.
Life Cycle Template — (Required) If life cycle templates are configured in your system, then the value can be (Generated). Otherwise, choose a Life Cycle Template.
For more information about life cycles, see About Life Cycles.
Team Template — If team templates are configured in your system, then the value can be (Generated). Otherwise you can choose a team template.
Team templates are used to help manage life cycles. For more information about team templates, see Team Template Administration.
Location — Set the location where the new information structure is stored.
Autoselect Folder means the system sets a default location.
Select Folder lets you choose a folder. Click the browse button to display the Set Location window, and set the location.
Default Content Location — Specify the default location where content referenced by this information structure is stored.
Authoring Language — Choose the authoring language for the new structure, which is required.
5. Is Primary — Choose Yes or No to specify whether your new information structure will be the primary structure for your product or library. Yes is selected if no information structure exists.
6. Keep checked out after checkin — Check this box to keep the new information structure checked out to you after you create it.
7. If you chose a Template, you can choose Next to specify filters to apply to the new information structure.
8. Specify filters for the information structure. You can choose from the following:
Saved Filters allows you to choose from a list of filters already defined. After you select a saved filter, you can make changes to it. The Saved Filters list contains filters created by you or shared by other users.
Configuration Specification allows you to define and choose a configuration specification to use as a filter. For more information, see About Configuration Specifications.
Attribute Filter allows you to define and choose an attribute expression to use as a filter. For more information, see Add, Edit, or Remove Attribute Filter Expressions.
Service Effectivity allows you to define and choose the service effectivity to use as a filter. For more information, see Filtering on Service Effectivity.
9. When you are done, click Finish to create the new information structure.
A confirmation message displays indicating that the structure was successfully created.
If your site has organizations configured, you see an organization identifier, such as Organization ID or CAGE Code. For more information, see Owning Organization Participants.
If your site has security labels enabled, you see the Set Security Labels step. For more information, see Setting Security Labels while Creating an Object.
If you chose to create an information structure from a template, you can receive email notification about whether generating the structure was successful or unsuccessful for the current product or library. From the information structure information page, click Subscribe on the Actionsmenu. You can choose the Generation from Template Successful and Generation from Template Unsuccessful, and enter the email notification information. For more information, see Creating a Subscription.
You can add information groups which can contain other objects called information elements. For more information, see Service Group or Section Information Page. For more information about information elements, see Service Structure Information Elements .
For more information about Arbortext Content Delivery, see About Servigistics InService.