Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About > Applicability > Importing ACT/CCT Applicability Data
Importing ACT/CCT Applicability Data
ACT and CCT data modules are imported using the standard S1000D import procedure. For more information, see Importing Data.
When ACT or CCT files are imported or created, resulting options and choices are created in the Windchill option pool. Each product has an option set, created when ACT/CCT data modules are added to the product, if it does not already exist. Each ACT/CCT data module generates an option group in that option set.
To view the options and choices:
1. In the Navigation pane, select Details under the required product.
The Details view is displayed.
2. Click the Option Pool tab.
The option pool structure is displayed showing the imported options and variants.
3. Click the Option Set tab to show the options that are active for the product.
For more information, see Windchill Options and Variants Capabilities.
Note these limitations when importing ACT/CCT data modules:
Applicability assigned only to ACT or CCT DMs is not supported.
Alpha-numeric ranges, for example ABC001~ABC999, are not supported.
The import report will generate a notification if these types of information are detected.