ICN Metadata Files
The allows you to create ICN Metadata Files (IMF) and link them to the Information Control Number (ICN) illustrations in your product. An IMF is used to provide additional information (metadata) about an illustration.
ICN Metadata Files are supported in S1000D 4.2 products and structures.
These features support the process of creating and maintaining IMFs:
• The use of IMFs is optional for a product. The product option Use ICN Metadata Files controls whether they are supported.
Import of a content package that includes IMFs will fail if the Use ICN Metadata Files option is not enabled.
• You can add an IMF to an information structure in two ways:
1. Import an IMF into the product
2. Create an IMF in the structure
• When raising an issue of an existing ICN, a new IMF is created for the new ICN if the original ICN had an IMF linked to it.
• The link between an ICN and is IMF is maintained.
When you create an ICN and IMF, the two are automatically linked in the product.
When you import an ICN or IMF, a link to its corresponding IMF or ICN is created, if the corresponding file already exists in the product.
• You can purge an IMF from an information structure and the product after it has been created.
• The content of an IMF identifies its associated ICN:
◦ ICN Metadata File ICN (imfIdentIcn) attribute — auto-populated when an IMF is linked to an ICN (either during creation of ICN or import of ICN or IMF)
◦ ICN Title (icnTitle) element — an optional element that you can populate
• An IMF can be edited in Arbortext Editor, including addition of references to BREX data modules.
This information in an IMF is controlled by Windchill and cannot be edited:
• Issue Number (issueNumber)
• In Work status (inWork)
• ICN Metadata File ICN (imfIdentIcn)
• An S1000D 4.2 product can be configured to automatically insert the icnTitle of an IMF as the title of a figure when the ICN linked to the IMF is inserted. These conditions must be satisfied:
◦ The product is set up to support IMFs with Use ICN Metadata Files set to Yes.
◦ The value of the product option Populate figure/multimedia title from ICN Metadata is set to Yes.
◦ The ICN has a linked IMF.
• IMFs and their content holders have a defined lifecycle, which follow the same process as other data module types.