Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About > Publishing > Publishing to Arbortext Content Delivery A&D > Generate InService A&D Information Type TOC File
Generate InService A&D Information Type TOC File
To generate an Information Type TOC from the product’s information structure for Arbortext Content Delivery A&D:
1. Select the root node of the information structure.
2. Select the S1000D > Generate InService A&D InfotypeTOC XML context menu item option.
This option is enabled when a structure contains data modules whose parent node was checked in after they were added to the structure.
A confirmation dialog box displays when the action is complete.
3. Click OK.
The TOC file is exported to the product’s Packages area. The package contains an InfotypeTOC.xml file that lists the data modules in the information structure, grouped under headers based on their Information Code.