Enter a name for the representation. You can enter up to 60 characters. If you do not enter a name, the name default is used.
Enter a description for the representation. You can enter up to 4000 characters.
Publishing rule
Select a publishing rule from the drop-down list to use when publishing the representation.
Default publishing rules support publishing to Arbortext Content Delivery A&D and PDF.
If you are publishing to PDF, default publishing rules for the product define A4 and US Letter page sizes.
Compare against baseline
Select a baseline generated during the publishing of a previous issue of the publication (Final).
Data modules that are New or Changed since the previous issue will be identified.
InService A&D Publication Identifier
Set the publication identifier for a publish to Arbortext Content Delivery A&D action. You can leave the default value set for the publication structure (if applicable) or select a new one from the drop down list.
If you want to publish content but not upload it to Servigistics InService, select Do not publish.
A publication identifier defines the directory in the product’s DMS Output Path location that will receive Arbortext Content Delivery A&D output. If this value is not set, publishing can complete but upload to Arbortext Content Delivery A&D is not possible.
Each publication from the current publication structure can have a different identifier, to ensure separate output directories.
The list presents the publication identifiers defined for the product.
Arbortext Content Delivery A&D publishing only.
Incremental publish
Check this option if you want to perform an incremental publish (Final).
Only New and Changed data modules will be output.
Arbortext Content Delivery A&D publishing only.
Set as default
Check this check box if you want this to be the default representation for the structure.
Check this check box if you want to be notified when publishing is finished. Notification must be configured on your system.
Submit Publish Job
Click to close the window and publish the representation.
Click to close the window without publishing a representation.