Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About > S1000D Library Management > Services and Models > Add a New Service
Add a New Service
To add a new service to a look-up library:
1. In the Navigator pane, click the Recent Libraries button, and then View All.
The Libraries window is displayed.
2. Click the appropriate S1000D Look-up Library library.
The folder view of the look-up library is displayed.
3. Open the Services and Models folder.
4. Select Services.
The Services object is displayed in the Folder Contents pane.
5. Click Services.
6. Click the Structures tab
7. Select the Services root node, and then select Insert > Insert New from the context menu.
The New Part dialog box is displayed. Note that Type is Service
8. Add the service name and description
9. Click Finish
10. The new service is added under the Services structure root node.
Duplicate services are not permitted under the Services and Models folder of a particular product.