Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About > Additions to Windchill Service Information Manager > Information Control Numbers (ICN) > CAGE Code > Create a CAGE Based Entities node
Create a CAGE Based Entities node
To create a CAGE Based Entities group node:
1. Place the cursor at the root node of the product information structure.
2. Select the Insert New > Insert New Group shortcut menu item.
The Create New Group dialog box is displayed.
3. Select CAGE Based Entities from the Type pull-down list.
4. Enter a name for the CAGE Based Entities group node in the Name field.
For example, CAGE Based Entities.
5. Click Finish.
The Create New Group dialog box is closed and the new CAGE Based Entities group node is added under the root node.
6. Place the cursor at the CAGE Based Entities node of the product information structure.
7. Select the Insert New > Insert New Group shortcut menu item.
The Insert New Group dialog box is displayed.
8. Select the required CAGE code from the Name pull-down list.
9. Click Finish.
The Insert New Group dialog box is closed and the new CAGE code group node is added under the CAGE Based Entities group node.
CAGE code-based ICNs can now be added to the appropriate CAGE code node. For more information, see Create a New CAGE Code-based ICN.