Can be customized?
Defines the folder path for the object
This value can be changed to any desired folder.
Sets the versioning scheme
The version scheme for S1000D is wt.series.HarvardSeries.S1000D
Yes, with caution
This can be customized to a customer-specific scheme. Care must be taken when setting up custom versioning scheme.
For information on how to set up a versioning scheme, see Object Versioning.
Specifies the name of the object
The naming is flexible, with the option to apply suffixes and prefixes to the data module’s name
Provides a number that is unique throughout the system, and is used to enforce uniqueness throughout all S1000D products
Yes, with caution
number uses a highly customized algorithm that creates a unique key for each data module in a product.
Provides the default value used when either Arbortext Editor’s burst operation or Windchill’s Insert New Document wizard operation fails to supply a value for these required attributes.
The value must match a manufacturer, at a locked state, in the look up library structure within the S1000D product
Provides the default security classification identified for the content holder or content. Typically, this will be populated by Windchill’s Insert New Document wizard
You may wish to elevate this to a higher security in projects where templates need to be identified as more secure by default.
By default, techName is set to General – General, and is populated by Windchill’s Insert New Document wizard.
It could be helpful to change this value to assist users creating templates from scratch
By default, infoCodeName is set to General data, and is populated by Windchill’s Insert New Document wizard.
It could be helpful to change this value to assist users creating templates from scratch.
Specifies the life cycle template to be used
Yes, with caution
The introduces an advanced life cycle, with multiple workflows.
The Issue date algorithm is well established and uses an algorithm to retrieve the date and time on which a data module was created.
Issue date is updated when the data module is Issued in the data module workflow.
The issue type is initialized to new when the object is created. This is then inserted into the XML contet of a data module when the data module is created.
This is initialized as PUB_COMPOUNDTEXT.
Specifies the application to be used to author content. This is initialized as ARBORTEXT.
Not available for customization unless a part of a larger UWGM customization.
The life cycle defines the valid set of states and, for S1000D, there are different states that may be valid when the object is created or imported:
• Initializes to Released if the data module is a template
• Initializes to Imported when the document is imported from a compressed file
• Initializes to WIP if the data module is not a template and has an In Work value greater than 0
• Initializes to Issued if the data module is not a template and has an In Work value of 0
Yes, with caution
Caution should be taken if customizing this attribute. You could remove the Imported state, but this may cause the import to become quite slow.
State customization is commonly part of a larger life cycle customization. PTC strongly warns against introduction of a customized life cycle or state customizations. You should consider introducing a customized workflow instead of an entirely new life cycle or, possibly, tailoring the name displayed for an existing state.
Queries for all previous Data Dispatch Note (DDN) documents, finds the next available sequence, and resets it to 00000 if the DDN is the first DDN to be created in that year
The S1000D standard mandates the sequence rule.
Generates a unique identifier sequence within the product
The algorithm can be manipulated by the end user in the product’s Edit Attributes wizard — they can change various attributes to control the algorithms output.
Although the algorithm is highly customizable, PTC strongly advises against customization. The current algorithm adheres to the S1000D standard.
Sets the Issue Number for an ICN
• Initializes to 001 if a ICN is created without any predecessors
• If creating a new issue of the ICN, this value will be populated by the ICN’s Raise Issue operation. It will be an incremented value from its predecessor.
This value is initialized from a Product container default
A user is also free to change this default value in the Product’s Edit Attribute wizard.