Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About > S1000D Business Processes > S1000D Change Requests > Life Cycle of S1000D Change Requests
Life Cycle of S1000D Change Requests
The S1000D change request follows the following life cycle:
1. Create the change request
The change request Windchill change object is created and added to the system.
For more information, see Create Change Request.
2. Add data modules to the change request
3. Submit the change request for review
A default Submit Change Request task is provided.
4. Analyze the change request
A default Analyze Change Request task is provided.
This task must be executed before starting the change notice.
5. Create the change notice
This task must be executed to start the change request.
At this point, the associated data modules are raised in issue.
For more information, see Creating a Change Notice
6. Make the appropriate changes to the data modules associated with the change request
7. Audit the change notice (review the change notice data modifications and approve or reject the change notice implementation)
A default Audit Change Notice task is provided.
8. Complete the change notice
This task must be executed when the change request has been satisfied and all the associated data modules have been amended.
9. Resolve the change request
Associated data modules are set to ISSUED.
These workflow templates are provided to support the S1000D change management process:
S1000D Change Notice Workflow
S1000D Change Request Workflow
S1000D Change Task Workflow
For information on the approval process for change requests and notices, see Change Process in About Change Management.