Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About > S1000D Business Processes > S1000D Change Requests > Amend Change Request
Amend Change Request
To amend a change request:
1. For the required product, select Folders in the Navigation pane.
The Folders view is displayed.
2. Select Change Objects from the Folder Contents pull-down list.
3. Select the required change request.
4. Select the right mouse button menu and select Edit.
The Edit Change Request dialog box is displayed.
5. Make any appropriate changes on the Set Attributes page.
6. Add or remove data modules associated with the change request on the Select Affected Objects.
To remove an object, check the box next to the object and select Remove from the Actions pull-down menu.
To add an object, check the box next to the object and select Add Affected Objects from the Actions pull-down menu.
7. Click Finish.
The amended change request is saved.