Add Parts to an AAD Parts List
To create parts and add them to an AAD parts list:
1. Open the parts list (of type AAD Part List) and navigate to the Structure tab.
2. From the context menu, select > .
The New Part dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the type of part you want to create and add from the Type pull-down list.
4. Enter the required name in the Name field.
5. In the Part Attributes section, select the appropriate Location option; Autoselect Folder or Select Folder.
6. In the Part Attributes and AAD Supplementary Information sections, set the attributes to the required values for the new part.
Optional S1000D-specific attributes (AAD Supplementary Information) are available as a default for part types Part, Electrical Part, and Software Part when is installed:
◦ NATO Supply Class
◦ Codification Bureau
◦ NATO Identification Number
If you want these attributes to be available for other part types, the administrator must make a change to the xconf property
rulesSupportedTypes. For more information, see
Include S1000D Attributes for Parts.
You must install Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software to have the option to create software parts.
7. Click Finish.
A confirmation message is displayed and the new part is added to the AAD parts list. The part object is stored in the specified product folder.
If you want to add existing parts to your parts list, use one of these methods:
• Use the Insert Existing feature
• Add parts from an sBOM
Use the Add BOM action in the Related Objects toolbar group to associate a BOM with your parts list.