Working with Illustrations in a Parts List
Windchill Service Parts leverages the information stored in Windchill to create 2D and 3D representations of parts lists. These images are derived from the engineering data, so the parts list author does not need to create new serviceable bill of material images. Because the information in the images is derived from the engineering data in an associative fashion, Windchill Service Parts can automatically link lists of parts to their callouts in the representations.
Once created, the parts list and its associated illustrations can be published as an illustrated parts catalog delivered as PDF representation or interactive system. For more information about Windchill Service Parts and managing a Parts list, refer to the Windchill Help Center under > .
If you have Service Information Manager and Windchill Service Parts installed, you can access the Service Information Manager and Windchill Service Parts functionality for Arbortext IsoDraw when it is integrated with Windchill Workgroup Manager, and is registered and connected to the Windchill Server.
For more information about Service Information Manager and Windchill Service Parts, refer to the Windchill Help Center under > .
Arbortext IsoDraw illustrations can be managed in a Windchill Parts List. Typically, a Parts List author wants to add, edit or delete illustrations in a Parts List that will later on be used in a Service Manual or a Parts Catalog.
• Integrate with Arbortext IsoDraw to produce 3D technical illustrations.
The integration between Service Parts and Arbortext IsoDraw enables technical illustrators to leverage the parts list information and the associated graphics to create 3D technical illustrations that are managed in Windchill Service Parts. This integration reuses the graphics generated during the parts list definition, and provides a starting point for creating a technical illustration. In addition, sequencing data (Item Numbers, Item Sequence Numbers) defined in Parts List can be accessed by Arbortext IsoDraw to automatically generate callouts. This automation increases productivity and accuracy.
Multiple views of the graphic can be created and stored in the same parts list illustration. A 2D version of this illustration can also be created using the 3D view. Once complete, the illustration can be saved using Windchill Service Parts, and it is automatically linked to the source Parts List.
• Integrate with Arbortext IsoDraw to produce 2D technical illustrations.
• Viewing Parts in a 2D or 3D representation.
• You can view dynamic documents, as well as supported Arbortext IsoDraw file types in Windchill using the Structure table.
Use the Parts List Editor to manage Arbortext IsoDraw illustrations in Windchill Service Information Manager and Service Parts.