Specifying Whether or Not to Outdate Attachments
The Windchill preference system (under > > > > ) lists the attachment categories for your site. For each category of file type, setting the mark-out-of-date preference to Yes (default is No) means that upon executing various PDM operations, any attachments of the specified category type are marked as outdated (for example, in the Attachments table on the CAD document information page). Setting the value to No means that the category does not become outdated, as it is carried forward with the CAD document.
Users can manually override conflicts caused by outdated files (for example, during a Check In attempt) by:
• Terminating Check In and manually updating the attachment, thus removing the Outdated flag.
• Removing the attachment from the CAD document.
• Resetting the status (removing the Outdated flag).
• Overriding the conflict and checking the CAD document in as is, with an Outdated status.