Conflict upon Attempt to Modify
If you attempt to modify a workspace object that is not checked out (and also not locked), then upon attempting a checkin, the system presents the Conflicts window, informing you that the object is read-only because it is not checked out. You can choose to resolve the conflict by using one of the following options.
• Check out – Perform an immediate check out on the object (within a version), enabling you to modify the object and later check in the modifications. When checked in, the modifications are shown as an iteration of the current object version.
• Revise and Check out – Perform an immediate check out on the object (for a new version), enabling you to modify the object and later check in the modifications. When checked in, the modifications are shown as a new version of the object.
• Continue – Continue with modifications without checking out (modifications will not be eligible for checking in, and may be lost.)
If your attempt at modification involves several checked-in objects, you can specify different resolutions of the conflict for each object, or you can use the Set All menu to apply the same resolution to all.