Integration with Other Applications > Windchill Workgroup Manager Documentation > Cadence Team Design Option > Administration and Configuration > Configuring the Client System Environment
Configuring the Client System Environment
The installation of Windchill Workgroup Manager creates two new user environment variables:
ADW_PDM_PLUGIN — used by Cadence to identify the adapter name.
ADW_PDM_PLUGIN_PATH — used by TDO to locate the DLL adapter application file cdn_tda_1xx_adapter_app.dll.
If TDO fails to find the adapter application file, then you must check your launch file startworkbench.bat, before using Windchill Workgroup Manager for Cadence Team Design Option, to see if it contains the environment variable ADW_PDM_PLUGIN_PATH.
To Modify your Launch File
1. Locate and open your launch file for editing.
2. Search for PATH (match as whole word and case).
3. If ADW_PDM_PLUGIN_PATH is not in the definition of PATH, then add it to the end of the definition, as follows:
4. Save and exit the file.