The Two machines Windchill Business Reporting installation scenario is not supported in the Windchill 11.1 F000 release.
If you leave both the Oracle Configuration and SQL Server Configuration deselected, it is assumed that a database and associated user already exist, and that you will supply that information in the database information screen.
Oracle Configuration
Select this option if you are configuring an Oracle database as part of this installation scenario. Under this option, select the following as appropriate:
• Create Database - selected by default.
• Create PTC Windchill Database User Account - selected by default.
• Create PTC Windchill Business Reporting Database User Account - selected by default. Select this checkbox to create a new database user. To use an existing database user, deselect the checkbox.
SQL Server Configuration
Select this option if you are configuring a SQL Server database as part of this installation scenario. Under this option, select the following as appropriate:
• selected by default.
• Create PTC Windchill Business Reporting Database and User - deselected by default. Select this checkbox to create a new database and user. To use an existing database and user, leave deselected.
PTC Windchill Business Reporting
Select this option to install the Windchill Business Reporting components. Under this option, select as follows:
• Install the Host Components - Select this option to install the host. Select from the following as appropriate for your installation; you must select one:
Configure SQL Server Database
◦ Configure SQL Server Cluster Database
• Install the Gateway Server - Deselect this option.
Installation Directory for PTC Windchill Business Reporting
<base installation directory>\Reporting
The location where the host components are installed.
Installation Directory for PTC Windchill Business Reporting should be empty else Cognos installation fails.
PTC Windchill Business Reporting Oracle Database User Name for the Database User Account
PTC Windchill Business Reporting SQL Server Database User Name for the Database User Account
The user name for the Windchill Business Reporting database user.
PTC Windchill Business Reporting Oracle Database Password for the Database User Account
PTC Windchill Business Reporting SQL Server Database User Password for the Database User Account
The password for the Windchill Business Reporting database user.
Confirm PTC Windchill Business Reporting Oracle Database Password for the Database User Account
Confirm PTC Windchill Business Reporting SQL Server Database User Password for the Database User Account
Confirm the password entered in the previous field. This field appears only if the Create PTC Windchill Business Reporting Database User Account or Create PTC Windchill Business Reporting Database and User option was selected previously from the optional products screen.
Communication Port of the PTC Windchill Business Reporting Host
Port used by Windchill Business Reporting host to communicate with the Windchill Business Reporting gateway.
Install the Host Components
Deselect this option.
Install the Gateway Server
Leave this option selected. The Configure Local HTTP Server for Gateway check box must also be left selected (the default) for a local HTTP Server to be automatically configured by the PSI.
Installation Directory for PTC Windchill Business Reporting
<Windchill installation directory>\Reporting
The location where the gateway server is installed.
Load base data
Loads the base data set, including the pre-defined reports for Windchill Business Reporting. PTC strongly recommends leaving this option selected, to avoid the need for certain manual post-installation configurations.
PTC Windchill Business Reporting Administrative User ID
This user has administrative privileges for Windchill Business Reporting but is not a Windchill administrative user. This user is created in the repository specified in the Base Distinguished Name for Administrative Users option on the LDAP settings screen.
PTC Windchill Business Reporting Administrative User Password
Enter the password for the Windchill Business Reporting administrative user.
Confirm Password for Administrative User
Confirm the password entered above.
PTC Windchill Business Reporting Gateway Machine's DNS Registered Host Name
local machine
Location where the gateway server will be installed.
PTC Windchill Business Reporting Gateway Machine's Web Server Port
Port that the gateway server will listen on to communicate with the host components.
Mapped location of PTC Windchill Business Reporting Host installation (leave empty if locally installed)
The drive mapped to the host installation. You must share the host installation location on the host machine with read/write permissions for the machine where the Windchill solution is installed. Then, on the machine where the Windchill solution is installed, map a location to that shared host installation.
DNS Registered Host Name of the PTC Windchill Business Reporting Host
local machine
This value must match the machine where the host components were installed.
Communication Port of the PTC Windchill Business Reporting Host
Port used by Windchill Business Reporting host to communicate with the Windchill Business Reporting gateway.
This value should match the value entered when the host components were installed.
Location of PTC Windchill Business Reporting Host Installation as seen by the PTC Windchill Business Reporting Host
Installed location of Windchill Business Reporting
The installed location of Windchill Business Reporting as seen by the host component.