Advanced Customization > Business Logic Customization > Customizing the Product Structure Explorer (PSE) > Customizing Tabs - Configure Existing Tabs with Subtabs
Customizing Tabs - Configure Existing Tabs with Subtabs
This process consists of customizing the sub-tab and then changing the Information tab that makes use of the customization.
To customize your XML to show sub-tabs, a <Tab> tag may now include a <TabSet>. For example the Information Tab used to Import a Panel tag. Now it includes a <TabSet> that contains four <Tab>s.
All the standard tab actions (hiding/showing tabs, moving tabs, pop-up menus, and preferences that remember tab settings) are available for the main tabs are also available for subtabs.
The Identity tab displays thumbnail and read-only attributes.
The Object Attributes tab shows only those attributes that are attached directly to the selected part, not the link attributes.
The Usage Attributes tab only shows the link attributes. Note that the tab is not enabled when the top node is selected, because there is not a usage link so there cannot be any link attributes.
The Classification tab is only visible if the PartsLink module is installed. It displays all the classification attributes.