Additional Windchill Capabilities > Windchill Supplier Management > Working with Manufacturer and Vendor Parts > Working with the AML/AVL in the Product Structure Explorer
Working with the AML/AVL in the Product Structure Explorer
With Windchill Supplier Management installed, the AML/AVL tab is added to the Product Structure Explorer tabs. The AML/AVL tab allows you to create and modify AMLs and AVLs for a selected OEM part.
From the AML/AVL tab of the Product Structure Explorer, you can add or remove supplier parts that are associated with the OEM part, change the sourcing status of supplier parts, or add annotations to the existing AML or AVL.
When you select an OEM part from the product structure (on the left side of the window) and then select the AML/AVL tab, the right-side of the Product Structure Explorer window shows two sections: manufacturer parts (at the top) and vendor parts (at the bottom). If an OEM part has associated manufacturer or vendor parts, these parts are listed in the appropriate sections, along with the sourcing status for each part.
Program contexts are not supported for use with Windchill Supplier Management.
Listing Supplier Parts for a Specific Sourcing Context
Both lists display the supplier parts for the selected sourcing context. You can show the supplier parts for a different sourcing context by selecting a context from the sourcing contexts drop-down list to refresh both lists. You can also search for other sourcing contexts by selecting Locate.
You can select All from the Sourcing Context drop-down list to view the entire list of parts that are associated with the OEM part for all contexts. While in that view, you cannot add or remove parts.
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