What’s New > Windchill > 11.1 F000 > End User > Service Translation: Enable Descriptive File Names
Service Translation: Enable Descriptive File Names
Product: WindchillWindchill Service Information Manager
Release: 11.1 F000
Allows you to include document names in file names to aid identification of those files in a translation package.
Additional Details
Configure the com.ptc.tml.includeDocumentNameInFileName property in the wt.properties file to true to include descriptive information in file names in a translation package. The first 25 characters of the document name of the Source document is added as a prefix to the file name.
For example, after this configuration, the file nameXT00000059_en_es_A_0000000021_A.xml with “Adding Structure to Content_es” as translation name, changes to Adding Structure to Conte_XT00000059_en_es_A_0000000021_A.xml
Related Information
For more information, see Creating a Translation Package.