What’s New > Windchill > 11.1 M010 > End User > Windchill Service Information Manager — S1000D Module: Improvements when Editing DMs in Windchill Arbortext Editor
Windchill Service Information Manager — S1000D Module: Improvements when Editing DMs in Windchill Arbortext Editor
Release: 11.1 M010
It is easier for content authors to create references when working in Arbortext Editor.
Additional Details
A Title search field is available in the Browse Data modules dialog box when creating a dmRef
An author can search for a DM by its title.
A name search field is included in these dialog boxes when creating a toolRef:
Insert Technical Information Repository Reference dialog box (Issue 4.0.1)
Insert Common Information Repository Reference dialog box(Issue 4.1)
An author can search for a tool by its name.
The administrator may need to re-index data if upgrading an existing installation.
The administrator can customize the element to be picked up and used as the tool name.
When creating an internalRef, the internalRefId field of the Modify Attributes dialog box only includes ID attribute values in the document that correspond to the internalRefTargetType that has been selected.
If the selected internalRefTargetType is not mapped to an attribute, all ID attribute values in the document will be shown.
When creating an applicRef, the applicRefId field of the Modify Attributes dialog box only includes ID attribute values from applic elements in the document.
Related Information
Post-Upgrade TasksCustomizing SOLR Indexing for Windchill InstallationsUsing Custom S1000D Attributes