What’s New > Windchill > 11.1 M010 > End User > Configuration Management: Inline Editing in Part Structure Browser
Configuration Management: Inline Editing in Part Structure Browser
Product: Windchill
Release: 11.1 M010
Enhances the user experience within part structure browser by providing the capability to edit values inline, within the structure, for part and part usage attributes.
Additional Details
Part structure browser can be used to edit part and part usage attributes displayed in the part structure pane. Part attributes available for modification through Edit Common Attributesand Edit Part actions, with modify permission, can be modified in the part structure browser. A checkout action is performed when modifying part attributes. A check-in is required to complete the edit and make the changes available to other users.
Part usage attribute can also be edited inline within the part structure browser when displayed in the part structure. Part usage attributes available through Edit Usage Attributes can be modified. The checkout action is performed on the parent when modifying the part usage attributes. A check-in is required to complete the edit and make the changes available to other users.
Related Information
For more information, see About the Part Structure Pane, Viewing Action Set - Parts, Edit Common Attributes, Editing a Part, and Editing Usage Attributes.