Data Management Capabilities > Managing Part Structures > Windchill Options and Variants Capabilities > Developing Advanced Selection Logic for Configurable Modules > Basic Steps for Defining Advanced Selection > Organizing Input for the Advanced Selection Logic
Organizing Input for the Advanced Selection Logic
To organize the input for the configurable module logic:
1. Open the configurable module in the Product Structure Explorer, and click Selected > Properties > Specification Editor Properties.
2. To modify an individual property value, click the cell for the value you want to edit. Depending on the value type, you may need to select the new value from a list, type the value, or search for the value (such as in the case of a directory name).
The properties displayed are dependent on your configuration. The following standard properties always appear and are configurable:
Property Name
enable preview
Click Yes or No.
Specifies the URL of the image that appears on the first page for this configurable module when it is displayed in the Set Parameters step of the part configuration process.
Images for subsequent pages are defined on each Page Break.
Specifies the title that appears in the Set Parameters step of the part configuration process.
Titles for the subsequent pages are defined on each Page Break.
3. Click OK to save the changes you have made to the properties.