Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Transforming an eBOM into an mBOM > Creating an Equivalent Link > Updating Equivalent Links > Updating Equivalent Links for Multiple Parts in Upstream View
Updating Equivalent Links for Multiple Parts in Upstream View
The parts in upstream view that have outdated equivalent links are identified by the displayed next to them. Use the Update All Downstream Equivalent Object action to update the equivalent links for multiple parts in upstream view. This action is available in upstream view only.
Perform the following steps:
1. Right-click an upstream part that is linked to an out-of-date downstream part and select Update all downstream equivalent object. The Latest Non-Linked Equivalent Links from All Contexts dialog box opens. It displays a list of all the parts that are out of date in different contexts or views.
The Carry over from upstream check box is selected by default.
2. Select the parts for which you want to update the equivalence status and click OK.
The equivalent status of the selected part is updated. The out-of-date icon is replaced with icon.