Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Windchill MPMLink Overview > MPMLink Explorers > About the Manufacturing Resource Explorer > About Task Tabs > Plants > Creating a Plant
Creating a Plant
A plant is the physical facility where production occurs on a manufacturing part, and which can have resource groups and resources assigned to it.
Plants are also assigned to parts, process plans, sequences, manufacturing standard groups and capabilities in order to specify the valid manufacturing facilities.
To create a plant use the following procedure:
1. Select File > New Resource. The New window opens.
2. Select options from the Context Type, and Context Name drop-down lists.
3. Select Plant from the Type drop-down list. To immediately check out the new plant, select Check out object.
4. Click Next.
5. Fill in the required fields (indicated by an asterisk) and any other desired fields.
6. Click OK. The newly created plant appears in the Manufacturing Resource Explorer.
7. Select the new plant in the structure, and begin adding the resources that make up the plant (for example, work centers, tooling).