Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Working with Process Plans and Standard Procedures > Working with the Manufacturing Gantt Explorer > Exporting to Microsoft Project
Exporting to Microsoft Project
The Manufacturing Gantt Explorer can be used to export process plan data to Microsoft Project.
To export process plan data to Microsoft Project:
1. Select the Process Plan you would like to export.
2. Select Edit > Export Plan to Microsoft Project.
3. Select the version of Microsoft Project Converter you would like to use.
This corresponds to the version of Microsoft Project that you use.
4. Click OK.
5. Enter a name for the exported process plan to be saved, and a location to save the file in.
The process plan is saved as an .xml file.
6. Using Microsoft Project, open the save process plan file.
Process plans are exported in their entirety.
The Manufacturing Gantt Explorer exports manufacturing data to Microsoft Project using the mapping properties in the following table.
Manufacturing Gantt Explorer Object
Microsoft Project Object
Resource Assignments