Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Working with Process Plans and Standard Procedures > Working with the Manufacturing Gantt Explorer > Searching for Objects
Searching for Objects
In larger process plans, the Manufacturing Gantt Explorer's search function can be used to find an activity, such as a process plan or operation.
To find an object in the Manufacturing Gantt Explorer navigation pane:
1. In the Manufacturing Gantt Explorer menu bar, click the Find icon .
2. In the Search for Activities window enter the name of the process plan, operation, or step that you would like to search for.
Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard in the fields to modify your search. For more information, see Using Wildcard Characters.
3. Click Find Next.
The next activity matching your search criteria is selected in the Manufacturing Gantt Explorer navigation pane.
4. Click Exit to return to the Manufacturing Gantt Explorer.