Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About Windchill Service Information Manager — S1000D Module > Publishing > Publishing to Servigistics InService A&D > Publishing Content to Servigistics InService A&D
Publishing Content to Servigistics InService A&D
To publish the data in a product’s publication structure to Servigistics InService A&D:
1. Click the Representation action set button.Representation. The Publish Representation dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter a name in the Name box, and a description in the Description box.
3. Select the required publishing rule from the Publishing Rule pull-down list.
inserviceaadpackage using InService AAD Publishing Rules
4. Choose a baseline from the list in Compare against baseline if you want to compare output to a previous Final publishing action.
For more information, see Baselines and Incremental Publishing.
5. Select a publication identifier for the representation in InService A&D Publication Identifier field.
This value defines the output directory for the content in the DMS Output Path location.
If you do not want to upload the content to Servigistics InService, select Do not publish.
6. Select the Incremental publish option if you only want to output content that has changed since the last Final publishing action.
7. Click Submit Publish Job.
Once the publication structure’s content has been published, the content is saved as individual files in Servigistics InService A&D folder structures. The files are stored under the folder specified by the DMS Output Path product attribute.
The following data is published to Servigistics InService A&D:
Data modules
Data modules that represent Highlights (HIGH) and List of Effective Data Modules (LOEDM) information
Linked ICNs
The relevant publication module XML
All applicability data modules that are associated with the product's information structure
CIR data modules that are associated with the product's information structure
Content is output to a sub-directory of the designated output folder (DMS Output Path setting for product). The sub-directory has the same name as the Publication Identifier product attribute.
If the Store Copy of Published Data product attribute was set to Yes, a zip file containing all published data is stored as an attachment to the published representation. See the Representations tab for the publication structure.
You can create a filter for the publication structure, which can refine the objects included in published output based on certain navigation criteria. For example you could create a filter to limit content to data modules that conform to specified applicability values.
For more information, see Filter a Structure.
For more information about creating filters, see About Filters.
You can change the product’s Servigistics InService A&D attributes in the Edit Product Dialog Box.