Installation and Upgrade > Upgrade Guide > The Windchill Upgrade Procedure > Using the Upgrade Manager > Upgrade Manager Input Fields > Gather Upgrade Properties > Source System
Source System
This tab collects information of the LDAP Configuration DN of the source configuration so that the Upgrade Manager can configure LDAP during the upgrade.
Source System Configuration DN
This is the LDAP configuration DN specified in the <Windchill>\codebase\WEB-INF\ file in the source Windchill installation. For example, cn=configuration,cn=Windchill_9.1,o=ptc.
Source System Default LDAP Adapter
Provide the name of the default LDAP adapter from the source Windchill system. This is specified by the property '' in the file on your source Windchill installation.
Move Administrative Data from Source to Target
Select Yes to move administrative data from the source system base DN into the base DN of the target. Moving administrative data from the source to the target helps to retain a single LDAP node structure post upgrade. Select No to maintain both the source and target base DN nodes post upgrade.*
Source System Enterprise LDAP Adapter
Provide the name of the Enterprise LDAP adapter from the source Windchill system. This is specified by the property '' in the file on your source Windchill installation.
Move Enterprise Data from Source to Target
Select Yes to move the enterprise data from the source system base DN into the base DN of the target. Moving enterprise data from the source to the target helps to retain a single LDAP node structure post upgrade. Select No to maintain both the source and target base DN nodes post upgrade.*
*Although new LDAP locations were created during the target installation for Administrative and Enterprise LDAP data, this data was retained in the original source location and the Administrative and Enterprise JNDI Adapters on the target system referenced this information in its original location. Select Yes to move the Administrative and Enterprise LDAP data to the new location on the target system and delete the old location from the source system. If you do not wish to migrate LDAP data to the new location, select No and the data will be retained in the original source location. If you move administrative or enterprise data from source to target, you must restart the Web Server post-upgrade.