Undoing a Check Out
You can cancel a check out action for a design object from the Cadence Team Design Option dashboard.
Undoing a checkout allows you to return the design object to the server unmodified. It acts on the open object and reverses any changes that were made to it after it was checked out.
The Windchill preference Undo Checkout Overwrite Local Content, specifies whether the object content in cache is overwritten by default when using the Undo Checkout action. The default setting for this preference is No, meaning that object content in cache is not overwritten by default.
To undo a check out:
• From the Cadence Team Design Option dashboard, right-click the design object whose checked out state you want to reverse and select Undo Check Out from the actions menu.
The lock on the object is removed, the object is reverted to a checked in state, and modifications (if any) are discarded.
Alternately, you can undo the check out the design object, as well as all of its associated design objects, by selecting Undo Check Out Hierarchy.