Replacing a User
context managers, organization administrators, site administrators, or users with the Modify Team permission can replace users on a local team. Only
Shared Team Managers, members of the
Shared Team Creators group, organization administrators, and site administrators can replace users who are on a shared team.
If any objects are currently checked out by the replaced user, a message displays alerting you that the user has objects that are checked out and that these checkouts will be undone if you replace the user. Clicking OK undoes the checkouts and replaces the user.
When you replace a team member in any application context, the following actions occur:
• All the objects in the context currently assigned to or owned by that user are transferred to the new user. For example, all documents, CAD documents, and parts owned by the user are transferred to the new user as well as any task assignments. For projects and programs, the following objects are also affected by this change: milestones, deliverables, action items, activities, summary activities, and subprojects.
• Any meetings hosted or participated in by the replaced user are transferred to the new user.
• Any roles assigned to the replaced user are reassigned to the new user. If the new user is also a new team member to a project or program, then the resource information of the replaced user is also reassigned to the new user.
The original team member's name still exists as a record in the context and can appear in the context. For example, if the original user updated a document, the information page of the document still lists that user as the member who last modified it.
When a user who is on a shared team is replaced, the actions listed previously are applied to every application context that uses the shared team.
Use the following steps to replace a user in a team:
1. Click the replace user icon

for the row of the user that you want to replace.
| For application context Members tables, the replace user icon  is not available from the Shared Team Roles and Members and Shared Team Members views because members can only be replaced in the local team from these Members tables. |
The Replace Member in Team window opens.
2. Enter search text in any of the fields.
You can search using just a few characters of the full name. For example, entering jo returns all the users with a first or last name of John or Johnson or with jo anywhere in the full name.
3. Click Search.
A list of the users in your organization with the specified search criteria is displayed in the field below the search field.
By default, a maximum of 50 users is returned. To change this default, the site administrator can set the default value in the following file property:
4. Select the user to use for the replacement and click Add.
The user you selected is added to the Participant field. You can only choose a single user to replace a single team member.
To remove a user from the Participant field, select the name of the user and click Remove.
5. Click OK to make the replacement.
The Replace Member in Team window closes, and the Members table is refreshed to show the name of the new team member in place of the replaced team member.
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