Additional Windchill Capabilities > Windchill Supplier Management > Windchill Supplier Management Administration > Who Can Modify the AML/AVL and the Sourcing Status
Who Can Modify the AML/AVL and the Sourcing Status
Consider the following rules for making changes to the AML/AVL and the sourcing status.
If the user is a member of the Supplier Administrators group (with Read permission to the part), modifying the AML/AVL does not require a checkout of the OEM part, and the OEM part does not get iterated.
A Supplier Administrator cannot modify the AML/AVL if the part is checked out to another user.
If the user is not a member of the Supplier Administrators group, the OEM part is auto-checked when the following properties are set to True:
When the system property com.ptc.windchill.suma.iterateOnAddRemoveAXL is set to True, the OEM part is auto-checked out during adding or removing AML/AVL relationships for users that are not members of the Supplier Administrators group.
When the system property com.ptc.windchill.suma.iterateOnModifyPreference is set to True, the OEM part is auto-checked out during the sourcing status update for users who are not members of the Supplier Administrators group.
The history of changes is tracked even if the checkout of OEM parts is not required.