Importing Reports
Site and organization administrators can import reports that were previously
exported from a
Windchill system by clicking the import reports icon

on the
Reports table of a context (product, library, project, program, organization, or site). Clicking the icon opens the
Import Reports window.
| When using the Export Reports and Import Reports actions to export reports with custom files from one Windchill system to another Windchill system, the value for the Report Customization Directory preference must be the same on both the source and target systems. |
The Import Reports window is divided into the following steps:
1. Choose File to Import
2. Import Preview
Choose File to Import
Click Browse next to the File field, and browse to the ZIP file you want to import. If the ZIP file is the result of exporting multiple reports, then all the reports in the ZIP, and their supporting artifacts, will be imported.
Click Next.
Import Preview
The Import Preview step displays tables listing the report files and supporting artifacts contained in the selected ZIP file, and the result on import for each.
• Report Templates table—Lists the report templates being imported. Possible Result on Import values are:
◦ Update—If the listed report template is already present in the system, the report template being imported will overwrite the report template currently in the system
◦ Add—If the listed report template is not already present in the system, the report template will be added to the system.
• Info*Engine Tasks table—Lists the Info*Engine tasks being imported and their associated delegate. Possible Result on Import values are:
◦ Update—If the Info*Engine task is already registered in the system, the currently registered task will be updated with the imported task.
◦ Register—If the Info*Engine task is not already registered in the system, the imported task will be registered.
• Report Artifacts table—Lists the supporting report artifacts (Java classes, RBINFO files, JSP files, and so on). Possible Result on Import values are:
◦ Backup—If the artifact is already present in the system, a backup of the existing artifact will be created with a .bak extension and new artifacts will be created at that location.
◦ Add—If the artifact is not already present in the system, it will be added to the system at the specified location.
Click Finish to complete the import.
| If you import reports at the organization level instead of at the site level, non-administrative users cannot view the reports. For non-administrative users to view the reports, you must set up an access control policy rule in the Policy Administration utility for the organization context. In the /System domain of the organization context, grant the appropriate participants Read permission for the Report object type in all life cycle states. For more information, see Creating and Editing Access Control Rules. |