Deleting Projects or Shared Objects
To remove an object from a project, you can
undo the PDM checkout or
remove the share.
Deleting Objects from PDM
• You can delete an object that has been sent from a project to PDM. An overridable conflict is displayed. Corresponding iterations that have been sent to PDM are deleted from the project as well. As a result, the iteration history in the project is no longer available.
• If an object is shared to a project, it can be deleted from PDM. An overridable conflict is displayed and the share is removed from the project. The user who deletes the object from PDM is not required to be a project team member.
This is also valid in the case of project to project sharing.
• If a PDM checkout object is checked out to one or more projects, it cannot be deleted. First, you must undo PDM checkouts from all projects or send the object sent back to PDM.
Deleting Objects from a Project
Deleting objects from a project does not delete them from the PDM system.
To delete multiple objects at once, select the objects in the project Folder Contents table and then select > .
To delete an object from a project, select the object in the
Project Status table and click the delete icon

on the table toolbar.
You can delete a shared or checked-out object from a project as you would any other object in a project. However, deleted objects are affected differently depending on how they have been added to the project:
• If the object is shared to a project, it is now unshared from the project.
• If the object is checked out to a project, the PDM checkout is undone and the object is no longer visible in the project.
• If the object is in the Sent to PDM state, the version remaining in the project is deleted.
• If the object is in the Abandoned state, the abandoned version is deleted from the project.
• If the object is in the Deprecated state, the deprecated version is deleted from the project.
Deleting, Suspending, and Canceling a Project
You can cancel, suspend, or delete a project that contains shared objects or objects checked out from PDM, but you must keep the following in mind:
• If workspaces are associated to a project, you can suspend and cancel the project. You cannot delete a project until all workspaces have been deleted.
• If objects are shared to a project, you can suspend, cancel, and delete the project. However, the objects still appear as shared to the project in PDM.
• If objects are checked out to a project, you can suspend and cancel the project. The objects remain checked out to the project, but you cannot delete the project until you have undone the PDM checkout for each object.
For more information, see
Terminate a Project.