Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Transforming an eBOM into an mBOM > Overview of Generate Downstream Structure Action > Restructure Transferred Nodes > Adding Parent Part
Adding Parent Part
A parent part can be added to a part in the transferred structure using a logic that leverages information from associated process plans. If a process plan is associated with an upstream part that is to be transferred, the application will use the association between the part and operation to trigger the creation of a parent part in the transferred structure. This logic requires the definition of a custom attribute on the Manufacturing Operation to Part Link to specify the name of the parent part.
In the given example, Process Plan 2 is associated with Child 2 in the upstream structure where Child 3 and Child 4 are consumed by its operations. The process plan triggers the creation of parent parts for Child 3 and Child 4. The custom attribute ParentName is used to indicate the names of the parent parts.
After the Generate Downstream Structure action is executed, Child 2 is restructured to accommodate the new parent parts. Parent 3 and Parent 4 are created in the active downstream view, that is Manufacturing.
When restructuring the transferred nodes, by default, the application creates a new downstream branch. You can customize this behavior in the resolver delegate.
Defining a Custom Attribute
To define the custom attribute for specifying the parent name, perform the following steps:
1. Create a global attribute of data type String and type Manufacturing Operation to Part Link. For more information, see Creating a New Attribute.
2. Access the file located at Windchill/codebase/com/ptc/core/foundation/associativity.
3. Replace the default attribute name specified in the line <Property name="com.ptc.windchill.associativity.BomGenerationParentNameAttribute" default="xyz"/> with the new attribute name.
You can then add a value to the attribute when creating a process plan in the Process Plan browser. You need to customize the table view in the Part Allocation tab to display the newly created attribute. The attribute value specifies the name of the new parent part created in the downstream structure.
If the part for which you want to add a new parent part is checked out to another user, the new part will not be added.