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• There are no distribution target attributes that impact publishing a standalone document to SAP. There are no attributes that are specific to a promotion request either. However, when publishing a given business object (for example, a BOM) via a promotion request, distribution target attributes that are relevant for that object type (BOM) are used.
In order for a promotion request to be released as a primary business object, theWindchill ESI preference Publish Promotion Requests must have a value of Yes.
• Different attributes pertaining to different objects are also applicable to ERP Connector target.
Attribute Name
Default Value
Publish Alternates for Parts when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not alternates for parts should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Publish Part Information for Components in an Assembly when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not part information for components in an assembly should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Always publish Production BOM for a Part when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not Production BOM for a Part should be sent with ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Saved Filter to be used when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines the saved filter to be used for resolving the iterations of component parts in an assembly when publishing a Change Notice.
System Default
Publish only Incremental Changes for a Modified Assembly when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not only incremental changes to an assembly should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Publish Related Documents when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not related documents should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Publish Line Numbers for Components in an Assembly when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not line number information should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Number of Levels in an Assembly to Publish when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines the number of levels in an assembly to be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Publish Part Information for an Assembly Associated to a Process Plan when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not part information for an assembly associated to a process plan should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Publish Operated On Parts when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not operated on parts associated to an operation should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Publish Parts Associated to a Process Plan when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not parts associated with a process plan should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Publish Resources Associated to an Operation in a Process Plan when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not resources associated with an operation in a process plan should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Publish Sequences Associated to a Process Plan when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not sequences associated with a process plan should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Publish Standard Procedures in a Process Plan when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not standard procedures in a process plan should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Number of Levels of Sub-Operations to be Published when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines the depth up to which sub-operations in a given operation should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Publish Reference Designators when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not reference designator information should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Publish Substitutes for Components in an Assembly when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not substitutes for components in an assembly should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Publish Work Instructions when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not work instructions should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Use a Saved Filter for Fetching Part to Process Plan Links When Publishing a Change Notice
When publishing a change notice use the filter that is set on the distribution target to fetch part to process plan links.
Publish Part Information for an Assembly when Publishing a Change Notice
Defines whether or not part information for an assembly should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a Change Notice.
Attribute Name
Default Value
Publish Alternates for Parts when Publishing a BOM
Defines whether or not alternates for parts should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a BOM.
Saved Filter to be used when Publishing a BOM
Defines the saved filter to be used for resolving component part iterations when publishing a BOM.
System Default
Publish only Incremental Changes for a Modified Assembly when Publishing a BOM
Defines whether or not only incremental changes to an assembly should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a BOM.
Publish Related Documents when Publishing a BOM
Defines whether or not related documents should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a BOM.
Publish Line Numbers for Components in an Assembly when Publishing a BOM
Defines whether or not line number information should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a BOM.
Number of Levels in an Assembly to Publish when Publishing a BOM
Defines the number of levels in an assembly to be sent with the ESI response when publishing a BOM.
Publish Part Information for an Assembly when Publishing a BOM
Defines whether or not part information for an assembly should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a BOM.
Publish Reference Designators when Publishing a BOM
Defines whether or not reference designator information should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a BOM.
Publish Substitutes for Components in an Assembly when Publishing a BOM
Defines whether or not substitutes for components in an assembly should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a BOM.
Publish Part Information for Components in an Assembly when Publishing a BOM
Defines whether or not part information for components in an assembly should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a BOM.
Always publish Production BOM for a Part when Publishing a BOM
Defines whether or not Production BOM for a Part should be sent with ESI response when publishing a BOM.
Attribute Name
Default Value
Publish Alternates When Publishing a Part
Defines whether or not alternates should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a part.
Publish Control Characteristics when Publishing a Part
Defines whether or not control characteristics should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a part.
Publish Related Documents When Publishing a Part
Defines whether or not documents should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a part.
Attribute Name
Default Value
Operation Allocation Types to be used when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines a comma separated list of operation allocation type values. If the allocation type on a BOM component is set to any of these, the associated quantity will be sent with a negative sign in the ESI response, when publishing a process plan.
Publish Alternates for Related Parts when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not alternates for parts should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Publish Part Information for an Assembly when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not part information for an assembly should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Publish Part Information for Components in an Assembly when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not part information for components in an assembly should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Saved Filter to be Use When Publishing a Process Plan
Defines the saved filter to be used for resolving the iterations of component parts in an assembly when publishing a process plan.
System Default
Publish Control Characteristics when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not control characteristics should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Publish only Incremental Changes when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not only incremental changes should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Publish Related Documents when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not related documents should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Publish Line Numbers for Components in an Assembly
Defines whether or not line number information should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Number of Levels in an Assembly to Publish when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines the number of levels in an assembly to be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Publish Operated On Parts when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not operated on parts associated to an operation should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Publish Related Parts when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not parts associated to a process plan should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Publish Reference Designators when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not reference designator information for a related assembly should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Publish Related Resources when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not resources associated to an operation in a process plan should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Publish Related Sequences when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not sequences should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Publish Related Standard Procedures when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not standard procedures should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Number of Levels of Sub-Operations to be Published when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines the depth up to which sub-operations in a given operation should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Publish Substitutes for Components in an Assembly when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not substitutes for components in an assembly should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Publish Work Instructions when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether or not work instructions should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Use a Saved Filter for Fetching Part to Process Plan Links when Publishing a Process Plan
When publishing a process plan use the filter that is set on the distribution target to fetch part to process plan links.
Always publish Production BOM for a Part when Publishing a Process Plan
Defines whether the production BOM for a part should be sent with ESI response when publishing a process plan.
Attribute Name
Default Value
Publish Related Documents When Publishing a Manufacturing Resource
Defines whether or not documents should be sent with the ESI response when publishing a resource.
Saved Filter to be used when Publishing a Manufacturing Resource Structure
Defines the saved filter to be used for resolving the iterations of resources in an assembly resource when publishing a resource.
System Default
Number of Levels to Publish
Defines the number of levels to be sent when publishing a resource
Publish only Incremental changes when Publishing a Manufacturing Resource Structure
Defines whether or not only incremental changes should be sent when publishing a resource.
Attribute Name
Default Value
Saved Filter to be used when Publishing a CAD Document Structure
Defines the saved filter to be used for navigating the CAD Document structure being published.
System Default
Publish only Incremental Changes when Publishing a CAD Document Structure
Defines whether or not only incremental changes should be sent when publishing a CAD Document structure.
Number of Levels to Publish when Publishing a CAD Document Structure
Defines the number of levels to be sent when publishing a CAD Document structure.
0 (zero), meaning only the top-level document in the structure would be published.
Publish Referenced CAD Documents
Defines whether or not referenced documents should be sent when publishing a CAD Document structure.
Attribute Name
Default Value
Specifies whether or not the distribution target is active. An inactive target when associated to an object is ignored when publishing the object.
Default for Context
Specifies whether or not the distribution target is a default one for the associated context.
The client associated with the SAP instance that the distribution target represents. This should match the value specified for the SAP Client field of the SAP ERP Properties screen when running the MICU.
The plant within the SAP instance that the distribution target represents.
System ID
The system ID associated with the SAP instance that the distribution target represents. This should match the value specified for the SAP System ID field of the SAP ERP Properties screen when running the MICU.
Web Service Definition URL
Defines the URL associated with a web service that may be invoked for fetching cost information for parts residing in a distribution target. The web service is on the machine that hosts TIBCO BusinessWorks.
Date Effectivity Format
Specifies the format that will be used for sending date ranges associated with date effectivity.
yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
ESI Response Meta Information File Path
Path to the file ESIResponseMetaInfo.xml. When a business object is exported to a distribution target, the ESI response will be generated making use of the map and group information provided by the meta information file specified via this attribute.
Task Uniform Resource Identifier
URI associated with the Info*Enginetask that places the ESI response message on the appropriate JMS queue that the TIBCO BusinessWorks Engine subscribes to.
Attribute Name
Default Value
Publish Assigned Expression when Publishing an Object
Associated assigned expression is sent in the ESI response only if this attribute is set to Yes.
Publish only Incremental Changes for a Modified Option Set
Optionally include incremental changes to the option set by making use of an attribute on the distribution target.
Publish the Associated Option Set when Publishing an Object
Option set information is included in the ESI response only if this attribute is set to Yes on the distribution target and the driving object (Part in the case of BOM) is configurable.
Publish the Associated Option Set when Publishing a Non-configurable Object
Relevant option set related to a non-configurable object is included in the ESI response only when this attribute is set to Yes.