Agreement Status
In addition to the
other attributes on an agreement, there is an agreement status attribute that indicates whether the agreement is pending, active, expired, superseded, or inactive. This status is separate from the life cycle state itself. The life cycle state only indicates the approval progress of an agreement. The agreement status notes whether the agreement is in effect by taking into account its life cycle state, version, start time, end time, and current time. The possible status values are listed in the following table:
The agreement is the latest version in the approved life cycle state for which the current time is between the start and end times.
The agreement is approved and not expired, but a later version of the agreement exists and the later version has a status of either Active or Expired.
The agreement is in the approved life cycle state and there are no later versions of the agreement that have a status of either Active or Expired, but the start time has not been reached. When the start time is reached, the agreement will be active if none of the later agreement versions change (for example, a later version of the agreement is moved to the approved life cycle state or otherwise becomes active).
The agreement is in the approved life cycle state, but its end time has passed.
Either this agreement is a non-latest iteration (regardless of life cycle state), is a working copy, or is not in the approved life cycle state.
You can see the Agreement Status on the information page for the agreement and in the Agreement Folder Contents table.
Only the most recent approved revision of an agreement with an Active status can allow access to the authorized objects. For example, an agreement using the Agreement life cycle template is revised five times as follows:
• Revision A is not in the approved life cycle state. It has a status of Inactive.
• Revision B is in the approved life cycle state, but the end date has passed. It has a status of Expired.
• Revision C is in the approved life cycle state, the start date has passed, but the end date has not. It has a status of Superseded because there is a later version of the agreement that has passed its start date and is in the approved life cycle state.
• Revision D is in the approved life cycle state, the start date has passed, but the end date has not. It has a status of Active because it is the latest version that has passed its start date and is in the approved life cycle state.
• Revision E is in the approved life cycle state, but the start date has not been reached. It has a status of Pending.
If Revision D reaches its end date, but Revision E has not reached its start date, the agreement will cease to authorize access to any objects. Even if the current date is still within the start and end dates of Revision C, Revision C retains the Superseded status until it reaches its end date because it is no longer the latest version that has passed its start date and is in the approved life cycle state. When Revision C reaches its end date, its status changes to Expired. Once Revision E reaches its start date, its status changes to Active.
If an agreement is not Active, the authorized participants of the agreement are not authorized for access to the authorized objects. If one of the authorized participants has an authorized object checked out, he or she cannot check the object in because he or she is no longer cleared for the security label on the object. In the same way, if a user is removed from the agreement, he or she cannot check in any objects that he or she currently has checked out. To check the object in, one of the following actions must be taken:
• The agreement needs to be extended
• A new agreement needs to be written
The Agreement Status is not the same as the Authorization Status of an authorized object. An agreement can have an Agreement Status of Active even if all associated objects have an Authorization Status of Inactive.