Depth for lookup
Depth for lookup specifies the depth of the search. Select one of the following options:
• Current items searches current project configurations (normal and variant projects).
• Current and Checkpointed searches current project configurations and checkpoints.
• All items searches current project configurations, checkpoints, and in between checkpoints.
Project Scope
Project Scope specifies which projects to search. Select one of the following options:
• This Project searches the current project.
• Other Projects searches all projects and subprojects, except the current project.
• All Projects searches all projects and subprojects.
Devpath Scope
Devpath Scope specifies which development paths to search. Select one of the following options:
• This Devpath searches the current development path.
• Other Devpaths searches all development paths, except the current development path.
• All Devpaths searches all development paths.
Default Mode
Default Mode specifies the default mode that you want to display the search results in. Select one of the following options:
• Distinct Mode displays only the projects and development paths containing the object you are searching. From the Default Distinct list, choose the information you want to display in Distinct Mode.
If a subproject is shared by two or more projects, only the original project is displayed. Any projects where the subproject was added as shared are not displayed.
• List Mode displays detailed information about all occurrences of the object in the projects and development paths containing the object.
Default Distinct
Default Distinct specifies the information to display in Distinct Mode. Select one of the following options:
• Projects lists only project names.
• Development paths lists only development path names.
• Registered Projects lists only registered top-level project names.
Limit Search to Active Paths
Limit Search to Active Projects searches projects that are accessible from head revision and are registered projects.