Defer Update Revision
Commits the operation later. This option displays for the Set Member Revision dialog box only.
If the change package reviews are mandatory, select this option to create a pending entry for this operation at the time of change package submission. If this option is not enabled, PTC RV&S creates the pending entry at the completion of this procedure.
Close Change Package
Closes the change package when the operation is complete. This option displays for the Set Member Revision dialog box only.
Store Expanded Revision
Sets the rule to the numeric revision number instead of the symbolic revision. For example, if you set the rule according to the ReadyForQA label and select the Store Expanded Revision option, the revision that currently corresponds to the ReadyForQA label is stored and always used when the rule is applied, even if the label later moves to another revision. This option displays for the Set Member Rule dialog box only.
Confirm Rule Clearing
Causes PTC RV&S to confirm that the rule will be cleared. This option displays for the Set Member Rule dialog box only.
Override Rule
Overrides the existing member rule. This option displays for the Set Member Rule dialog box only.