User Help > Creating Custom Fields and Specifying Custom Field Values > Defining Project-Specific Custom Fields
Defining Project-Specific Custom Fields
Using the PTC RV&S client GUI, project administrators can define custom fields on a project backing item. Custom fields are read only in the PTC RV&S Web interface.
Once Custom Fields are defined for a project backing item, changing or removing the Project on that project backing item removes all Custom Field Values for items that participated in that project. To avoid data loss, PTC recommends that you create a new project backing item, specify a different Project, and define Custom Fields as needed.
To define project-specific custom fields:
1. Identify the project backing item for the project where custom fields are needed.
2. Edit the item. The Edit Item window displays.
3. In the Edit Item window, perform one of the following operations.
Do this...
Add custom fields
1. In the Custom Fields table, click Add. The New Custom Field window displays.
2. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the custom field.
3. Select a data type from the Type list. Supported data types are: Integer, Floating Point, Logical, Short Text, Date (which includes time), and Pick.
Pick IDs are positive integers, including Zero. While creating a custom field of type pick, the pick ID is pre-populated according to the maximum value of the pick ID previously used (including the deleted pick values).
4. In the Description field, enter a description for the custom field.
5. In the Default Value field, enter a default value for the custom field.
6. To save the new custom field, click OK.
The custom field is added to the project backing item once you save the item.
Remove custom fields
Use caution when removing custom fields. Removing a custom field removes all custom field values on any item that participates in the project.
1. In the Custom Fields table, select the custom field you want to remove and click Remove.
2. Click Yes to confirm that you understand the consequences of removing a custom field from the project backing item.
The custom field is removed from the project backing item once you save the item.
You can select and remove multiple custom fields at once. Hold down the SHIFT key to select concurrent fields, or hold down the CTRL key to select multiple fields.
To select and remove all custom fields at once, right-click on a custom field and select Select All.
Edit custom fields
1. In the Custom Fields table, select the custom field you want to modify and click Edit. The Edit Custom Field window displays.
2. Edit custom field values as needed.
In the command line interface, when a user edits a custom field of type pick and uses any of the deleted pick ID values, then PTC RV&S displays a warning message that the value is already being used. However, in the graphical user interface using the deleted pick ID value disables the OK button.
3. To save the changes to the custom field, click OK.
The custom field is updated on the project backing item once you save the item.
You can also double-click a custom field to edit it.
Copy custom fields
You can copy custom fields from other project backing items.
1. In the Custom Fields table, click Copy. The Copy Custom Fields window displays.
2. In the left pane, select the project whose custom field you want to copy.
3. In the right pane, select the custom fields to copy.
4. Do one of the following:
To copy the default values for the selected custom fields, select the Include default values of Custom Fields option.
To copy the Custom Fields fields to the project and resume copying additional Custom Fields fields, click Add.
5. To save the custom field copy selections, click OK.
The custom field is copied to the project backing item once you save the item.
Key Considerations
Unique custom field names are required within a single project. Unique custom field names are not required across projects.
After creating, editing, removing, or copying custom fields, you must also click Apply or OK in the Edit Item window to apply custom field changes to the project backing item.
Once you have saved custom field changes to the project backing item, the custom field’s data type is no longer editable.
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