Running a Report on Selected Items
Running a report on a historical item runs the report as of the item’s historical date. A dialog displays allowing you to choose a date. The item’s historical date displays by default.
You can run reports on selected items in the GUI, Web interface or the Refreshed Web interface.
To run a report on selected items...
Select one or more items, and select Item > Run Report. The Report Selection dialog box displays.
You can also run an item report through the Relationships view.
If you are running a report on a historical item, select the report you want to run, and click OK. The report displays in your default browser.
In the Items view, select one or more items, click and select Run Item Report. The Run Report Against Specified Item(s) page displays.
Select the report you want to run, and click OK. The report displays in a new browser window.
Refreshed Web Interface
In the Refreshed Web Interface Homepage, select one or more items and click and select Item Report. The Select Report page displays.
You can also run item report using the Reports option under the Vertical Ellipses in the Relationship Viewer, DocStudio, and the Item View.
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