User Help > Grouping Units of Work in Change Packages > Resync CP Procedure > To resynchronize a change package in the GUI
To resynchronize a change package in the GUI
1. Select Change Package > Resynchronize.
2. If the Select a Sandbox window opens, select the appropriate sandbox and click OK. The Resynchronize Change Packages wizard starts so that you can specify the changes packages or items to add.
3. If you know the ID number of the change package or item that you want to add, enter that number in the Add to List field and then click Add. For multiple numbers, include a space between each change package ID.
4. Otherwise, to search for the change packages to add, do the following:
a. Click Find. The Select Change Package(s) window opens.
b. Click Find Change Packages.
The Find Change Packages window opens.
c. Use the tabs provided to specify filter criteria for the change package or select a query (if enabled).
d. Click OK to return to the Select Change Package(s) window, which is populated with the filter or query results.
Open change packages are allowed when resynchronizing change packages. The option for Allow Open Change Packages is enabled by default. However, you cannot resynchronize open change packages if you are recording changes in a propagation change package.
5. To review details of a change package before including it in the resync operation, right-click the change package and select View Change Package Details. The Change Package view displays for the selected change package.
6. To add the change packages and return to the Resynchronize Change Packages wizard, click OK. The list of change packages is shown.
To remove one or more change packages from the list, highlight the change packages and click Remove.
7. To record changes to members as a result of this operation in a propagation change package, select a change package in the Change Package field or create a new one. Only open change packages can be selected.
8. To select the command options that you want PTC RV&S to use when carrying out this operation, click Options. For option descriptions, see Resynchronize Change Packages Options: General and Resync CP Options: Advanced.
9. To resynchronize the change package with the selected options, click Finish. If you set the Backfill option to Ask to Specify, the Select Change Package(s) for Backfill window displays.
If you specified a propagation change package, any change packages that the applied change package is dependent on which have already been applied to the project by a previous resynchronize operation do not appear in the backfill list. You receive a warning message about the change packages that have already been applied.
10. To review details of a change package before including it in the resynchronize operation, right-click the change package and select View Change Package Details. The Change Package view displays for the selected change package.
11. Select the change packages that you want to include in the resynchronize operation and click OK. The Confirm Change Package Application window opens, providing information on the operations to be performed and any warnings.
12. To complete the resynchronize operation, click Yes.
Depending on your resynchronize preferences, a confirmation prompt can appear for overwriting your working files for the members being updated. If a merge is required, your resynchronize preferences also determine the type of merge used and the actions taken in the event of a merge conflict.
To see any change packages that have been applied between two revisions of a project, use the View Project Differences command and, under Preferences, select the option for Show Applied Change Packages.
PTC RV&S completes the resynchronize operation. When it finishes, a window opens. If subprojects in an extendable development path must be extended, the window lists the subprojects on which the Extend Development Path action was run. The window then lists the updates that have been processed and those that were not processed.
If you want to save the contents of this window to an external text file, click Save.
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