Properties Files
PTC RV&S Server FSA Properties
This topic lists configuration properties that affects FSA Server. These properties apply to Workflow and Documents as well as Configuration Management. The properties impact behavior of the FSA server. These properties are contained in the Federated Server Architecture settings section in the file mentioned below:
The names “direct” and “default” in any case, or combination of cases, cannot be used as proxy host names or aliases. Spaces and commas in host names or aliases are invalid characters.
The valid range for port numbers is 0 to 65535. To specify an alias, the administrator can use port number as 0.
For a complete list of PTC RV&S server configuration properties, see PTC RV&S Server Configuration Properties.
Enables proxying for one or more remote servers. Proxies can be defined by using alias or in serverhostname:port format.
Only one alias per real server should be defined here. Recommended practice for defining proxies is to use alias that is unlikely to change rather than host name because aliases provide a consistent way to address dynamically configured hosts.
Aliases should only be composed of uppercase letters (A…Z), lowercase letters (a…z), numbers (0…9), and hyphens (-).
If you change a name in proxyList, saved proxy data is lost. To avoid loss of data, use aliases, for example: mksis.proxyList=FieldOffice, ThirdPartyOffice.
If you use alias in proxy list, you must define host name and port number for it. Aliases may be nested to fixed depth of 20. Aliases may also be used to resolve or redirect client alias or server ID usage. Each alias must have explicit definition in this form, forexample:
User name for default administrative user who controls permissions and access to information on proxied connection.
Default administrative user must be valid user on remote system.
Password for default administrative user.
Default administrative password must be valid password for administrative user on remote system.
User name for administrative user who controls permissions and access to information on specified target server alias. If property is not specified, default administrative user used.
Password for administrative user for specified target server alias. If property is not specified, default setting is used.
Configuration Management FSA Properties
This section lists configuration properties that are required in both the main server and the FSA proxy server when setting up the FSA. These properties are contained in the Si Cache Properties section under:
Cache properties must be defined for FSA to function.
It is important to remember that an FSA server can be configured as a proxy to more than one PTC RV&S servers. The FSA server can also be used as an independent PTC RV&S server at the same time.
You can use the following combinations to adjust properties that can be applied to all proxy connections, any specific proxy connection, local stand-alone server or all of these. If you do not explicitly set values for the properties, default property values are applied.
For a complete list of configuration management properties, see “Source Configuration Management Properties”.
The following table describes the properties that need to be set in the file on the FSA server:
Default value for given property used by all caches in PTC RV&S server (server or proxy).
Default value for given property used by all proxy caches in PTC RV&S server.
Value for given property used by specified proxied server (defined by <alias>).
Maximum memory use for proxy bulk data cache. Cache size in kilobytes (k/K), megabytes (m/M), or gigabytes (g/G).
Default is 30M.
Disk space allocated to bulk data cache for proxy. Cache size in kilobytes (k/K), megabytes (m/M), or gigabytes (g/G).
Default is 25G.
Value should be larger than largest member revision added to archive through Add Member or Checkin commands.
Location of bulk data cache for proxy.
The default location is installdir/server/mks/<proxyalias>/bulk for proxy bulkdata caches.
You should specify an absolute path.
Location of metadata cache for proxy.
The default location is installdir/server/mks/<proxyalias>/metadata.
You should specify an absolute path.
Maximum memory use for proxy cache. Cache size in kilobytes (k/K), megabytes (m/M), or gigabytes (g/G).
Default is 16M. Maximum is 2G/2048M.
If true, allows proxy to automatically download bulk data for newly checked-in revisions or added members. If false, bulk data for new revisions is not automatically downloaded by proxy. Default is true.
Override default behavior for specific alias by setting this property.
If true, causes PTC RV&S to filter Registered Projects list and display only users who have permission to open it for proxy and server. If false, does not filter Registered Projects list for proxy and server. Default is false. Override default behavior for specific alias by setting this property.
For FSA, you need to set this property both on the main server and the FSA server.
The following table describes the properties on the main server that impact the FSA configuration and need to be set in the file:
High and low marks for journal of events. PTC RV&S server maintains journal of all events to allow for bringing clients and proxies back in sync after disconnect or server reboot. Higher number of journal entries allows longer outage without having to completely clear client cache. Defaults are:
Client sync limit. Client caches are cleared when a client reconnects after an outage exceeds this limit. Default is 20000.
There is no client sync limit for proxies. A proxy always resynchronizes, even if it missed events when offline.
Number of events in the event queue that cause a warning to be logged.
Number of events in the event queue that cause the proxy to be disconnected.
Defaults for propagating events to proxy:
Time interval between warnings messages if the queue stays above the warning limit for period of time.
Default in seconds: 60
If true, causes PTC RV&S to filter Registered Projects list and display only those users who have permission to open it for proxy and server. If false, does not filter Registered Projects list for proxy and server. Default is false. Override default behavior for specific alias by setting this property.
When a project on FSA exists, the main server filters the list based on proxy user permissions and the proxy server filters the list based on end user permissions.
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