Displaying Links
You can display links for client install executables and product documentation that can then be accessed by users when they browse to the PTC RV&S landing page. To allow for this functionality, two configurable properties files are included in the PTC RV&S server directory.
To display links for client install executables (binary files), modify the following file:
To display links for product documentation, modify the following file:
You can modify these two properties files to add new or custom documentation and downloads.
Spaces in the path (including file names) specified in the preceding properties files must be preceded by the escape character “\”. For example, pdf/Custom\ Documentation.pdf=Custom Documentation.
DocumentationList.properties is a Java properties file that does not allow reserved property file characters ('#', ''', '=').
You can download product documentation and client executable files, from the PTC RV&S landing page.
Using the installdir/data/ directory, you can also display links for client install executables and documentation without modifying the associated properties files. To display the desired links, copy the required install executables and paste the copied files directly in the /installs or /documentation subdirectories as appropriate.
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