To configure proxy preferences in the GUI
1. Select > . The Preferences Configuration dialog box displays.
2. In the tree pane, click > > . The Proxy pane displays.
Do not change proxy settings when the client is connected to the PTC RV&S server.
3. On the Proxy pane, configure the following options:
The names “direct” and “default” in any case or combination of case cannot be used as proxy host names.
PTC RV&S considers spaces and commas in the Host Name field invalid characters.
Host names and port numbers must match to connect to a proxy successfully.PTC RV&S does not search for the correct port number if you provide an incorrect one.
◦ Select Use same username and password for proxy and server if you want to use the same user name and password when connecting to both the proxy and server.
Selecting this option does not necessarily ensure that PTC RV&S prompts you only once for your user name and password. If the authentication schemes used do not match, PTC RV&S prompts you for your user name and password again.
For information about the authentication schemes used, contact your administrator.
◦ Select Always confirm proxy username and password if you want PTC RV&S to prompt you for the user name and password each time you connect to the proxy.
◦ Select Reuse current proxy username and password for all connections if you want to use the same proxy user name and password when connecting to multiple remote servers.
◦ Select Use default proxy for all unlisted connections if you want to specify the proxy server as the default server for unlisted connections. This option is only enabled when you complete the details for a default proxy described next.
◦ To specify a default proxy, under Default proxy complete the following:
▪ In the Host Name field, type the name of the server, for example, proxyhost, or the numerical IP address, for example,
▪ In the Port field, type the port number, for example, 7761. If you do not specify a port number, PTC RV&S assumes a direct connection.
◦ To configure multiple servers you want to connect to, under Server do the following:
▪ Click Add. The Add new server connection dialog box displays.
▪ In the Server Host Name field, type the name of the server or the numerical IP address.
▪ In the Port field, type the port number.
▪ Select the type of connection you want by clicking it. Direct connection specifies connecting without a proxy. Use default proxy specifies connecting using the proxy specified as the default on the Proxy pane. To specify a different proxy, select Proxy and complete the Hostname and Port fields.
▪ Click OK to save the server details and return to the Proxy pane. The server displays in the Server list (for example, proxyhost:7761) with the connection details that you selected displayed below. You can review the server details for each server you configure by selecting it from the list.
To edit a previously configured server, select it from the Server list and click Edit. The Edit server connection dialog box displays. Edit the server details as required, and click OK to save your changes.
To delete a previously configured server, select it from the Server list and click Delete. The server is removed from the Server list.