Getting Started > Client Installation > Installing PTC RV&S Client > PTC RV&S Client Installation Wizard
PTC RV&S Client Installation Wizard
This section describes the contents of the panels in the PTC RV&S client installation wizard. It also describes specifics required when entering data in each panel.
License Agreement
Obtain your license agreement from PTC Technical Support.
If your system language is supported the installer program runs in that language. Currently the following languages are supported: Chinese Simplified, English, German, Japanese, Korean, and French. If the system language is not supported, English is selected by default. You can change the installer language to English when prompted by the Run installer in dialog box that displays before the license agreement.
Java Virtual Machine Selection
Click Browse to select the supported Java executable file.
Ensure that you install the supported JDK version. For supported JDK version, see the PTC Release Advisor.
Shortcut Installation
PTC RV&S client
PTC RV&S Administration Client
Installation Location
Accept the default path location or specify another location by browsing or typing the path of the directory where you want to install the PTC RV&S client.
The path location may not include special characters, such as #.
The PTC RV&S client installer will follow the expected behavior of Windows applications defaulting to install under c:\Program Files\PTC\RVSClient13.
If at any time you want to restore the default location, click Restore Default Directory, and click Next to continue.
If you attempt to install a new version of the PTC RV&S client and you haven’t uninstalled an existing version, the installation process will fail. Uninstall the PTC RV&S client using the Windows Control Panel first and then delete the remaining physical directory in the installation location.
Specify Default PTC RV&S Server Connection
The Specify Server Connection Default panel displays. Specify whether the components for workflows and documents, and configuration management are installed on the same server or different servers.
The Specify Default PTC RV&S Server Connection panel displays, providing fields for server host name(s) and port(s) based on the component you chose to install. Type the applicable server host name(s) and port information in the fields provided.
By default, the listening port for the PTC RV&S server is 7001. Administrators must notify users of the assigned port number.
If you enabled the Configure proxy server settings option, the Specify Default Proxy PTC RV&S Server Connection panel displays, providing options for supplying credentials and server information for the default proxy server. Enable the appropriate options and type the applicable proxy server host name and port information in the fields provided.
Select Product Language
From the Use PTC RV&S in dropdown list, select the product language for the PTC RV&S user interface. Currently the following languages are supported: Chinese Simplified, English, German, Japanese, Korean, and French. The default value is based on the system language. For example, if the system language is set to English, then the default value is English and the user interface displays in English. If the system language is set to Japanese, then the default value changes to match, and the user interface displays in Japanese.
If the system language is a non-supported language, the Use locale format: check box displays (selected by default) with the value set to the system language. This option allows you to display time, number, and currency values in locale-specific formats. For example, if you select the English user interface on a Welsh system, the locale format defaults to English, and the format of all time, number, and currency values is specific to local Welsh rules.
Note the following:
This option requires selecting English for the user interface.
To enable English with no local formatting, clear the check box.
If Use PTC RV&S in is set to the Japanese language, this check box is unselected by default. If you select the check box, then Use PTC RV&S in automatically resets to the English Language.
Install Complete
Toolkit is only installed if it is not already.
The Install Complete panel displays, informing you that your system environment has changed and that you need to log out and reboot your system for the changes to take effect. To quit the installer, click Done.
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