To create a condition involving field values
1. Open the dialog box or panel where you are defining the rule.
2. Select And or Or, depending on the type of logical connector you want to use between conditions.
If you are creating a rule with only one condition, you do not need to select And or Or.
Swap replaces the selected node with the opposite node. For example, swapping an Or node replaces it with an And node.
Remove deletes the selected node.
3. Under Condition, select one of the following:
◦ Compare the value of a field with a constant
◦ Compare the value of a field with the value of another field
4. Select the operator from the list.
5. Specify fields and field values for the condition.
You cannot specify PTC RV&S project and attachment fields in conditions.
a. To choose a value for a date field, do one of the following:
▪ Select a date from the calendar. The calendar defaults to today and now.
▪ Select now to specify the current date and time.
▪ Press DELETE to specify an empty value for the date field.
6. For each field, specify an Existing Value or a New Value.
7. When you are finished constructing the condition, click Add. The condition displays under the selected node.
You cannot specify configuration management project and attachment fields in conditions.